We are mainly practical, simple and direct, giving our perspective on project implementation.
If you are thinking of positioning a brand, refreshing your companies communicative culture or launching something new, we will help you navigate through the challenge, with a creative way of thinking, lots of experience and the most appropriate techniques in branding strategy.
Our clients come from different sectors, large and small companies, and from anywhere in the world; but they all have one thing in common: they want something extraordinary. So, our mission is none other than TO DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS.
In äbranding, we are a team passionate about design and communication. Besides adding our experience to every project, we care about being trained constantly and have contact with other professionals who enriches us with greater ability to face all kinds of challenges.
Alex, after becoming a graphic designer, he began his professional career working as a teacher and at the same time working as a freelance designer.
Since the year 2000, where he founded together with Sonia ädisseny i comunicació, he has developed multiple communication projects, as well as participating in conferences and other training areas.
Currently, in addition to founding partner, he is also the project manager on / off line.
In love with numbers since she was a child, Eva has been professionally involved to business administration since 1997. Two of her distinguishing marks are agility in decision-making and security when facing financial balance.
She is responsible for the Administration Department and balancing numbers at the end of each project.
Her passion: cats. Her perfect world: El Pedral (Argentina).
Pedro started his career in 2002 designing webs in ädisseny i comunicació. Since then, he has managed dozens of proposals, keeping the new technologies always in mind and applying them to each project with a responsive design. He has strategic vision, is meticulous and organized.
In the web world he feels very comfortable and he is always ready to face new challenges that make him learn every day.
Kevin finds himself very comfortable with Javascript or Html languages, and it is in äbranding’s Web Department where he collaborates in both, Front End and Programming fields. SMR and Multiplatform Application Development Technician, he has an agile and awake mind that brings a great dose of freshness to the team.
Apple’s renowned fan, he never forgets to carry one of his more than 20 Rubik’s cubes in his backpack.
Paula se graduó en Diseño Gráfico y, tras cursar un Máster en Branding y Packaging, convirtió en una profesión lo que siempre fue: una romántica del diseño. Le ilusiona dar vida a sus proyectos más allá del papel y la pantalla, aportando ese toque de magia extra a cada encargo.
Su sitio está en la playa, y en su corazón hay espacio para toda su gente, algún viaje esporádico y papelería bonita con la que hacer trabajos handmade.
For more than fifteen years, Pepe has been involved in the technical production and supplier management field. In äbranding he combines client relationships with giving accurate solutions to the creative challenges proposed by the members of the team, always with a smile in his mouth.
Also, Pepe is passionate about dogs, speed and diving in ‘les coves’, one of his favorite places in the world.
El arte y la creatividad de María corren por sus venas. No hay cartel, diseño ni reto que se le escape y al que aporte un punto de vista diferente y actual.
Es graduada en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Productos y, además, cuenta con un máster en Diseño y Dirección de Arte. Enamorada de los gatos, se define como un auténtica melómana. Las series y el cine son sus principales pasiones. ¡Y no podemos olvidarnos de la gastronomía! Una verdadera gourmet.
Elvis está graduado en Diseño Gráfico, y su fascinación por el grafismo le hace volcar el máximo de sus conocimientos y habilidades en cada proyecto que acomete. Su naturaleza inquieta le insta siempre a aprender cosas nuevas.
Enamorado del estilo 70’s, es fácil encontrarle escuchando música al tiempo que dispara incontables carretes de Kodak.
Mónica se considera una apasionada del Marketing Digital. Cuando no está aumentando las métricas de conversión, se sumerge en su propia aventura al estilo de “Dentro del Laberinto”, pero en lugar de goblins, se enfrenta a algoritmos misteriosos y laberintos de datos.
Su amor por el rock es tan intenso que incluso su café suena a un solo de guitarra. ¡Espera a verla conquistar el mundo digital mientras tararea las canciones de su banda de rock favorita!
We are not big enough to have a formalized human resources policy, but we like to get in touch with people who are very talented.
If you think you can contribute with new ideas to our team, send us your CV to rrhh@abranding.net